
From your main Products page, click Add New Product. To create a new service, you'll need to define the following parameters:

Product/Plan Name:

This name describes your service and will appear on the Checkout Page and the customers’ invoice.


A description of the plan that will appear on the customers’ email invoice if you want. You are able to write the same description in multiple languages, depending on the languages you are operate.

Sell the product to specific countries:

Check this option if you want to sell your service to specific countries. Choose the preferable countries from the list.

Upload image:

You have 2 different options to add an image to your product / service. You can upload an image from your device or enter a url of the photo.

Choose a product type and price:

You have to click on Product type tab and choose Service. 

Billing Model: 

There are 3 different billing models for online services: Fixed price, Tier pricing and Volume Pricing. Tier pricing defines a price PER unit within a range, while Volume pricing defines a price for all units within the range. With tier pricing once you fill up a tier, you move to the next tier and start charging a different price. Volume pricing means that as soon as you hit a particular number, all units will cost the lower price.


From there you will be able to put the price of the service, the set-up fee and the percentage of the discount, if there is any discount on your service.A setup fee is an additional charge that covers the cost of setting up an account for your customers.

Prepaid usage:

You will be able to make your customers pay for exactly what they use using a value-based pricing. You can pin your product’s value down to exact figures, delivered in terms of storage capacity or a similar metric.

Measure unit name: 

This is the display name for the usage quantity. A unique code will automatically be generated to consume credits. You are able to edit this code to fit on your needs.

Low credit alert:

Nummuspay lets you set customized notifications when customers balance is within a certain amount. You are able to adjust the preferable threshold amount and choose the preferable action. Choose either to notify customer or notify and rebill your customer the same time.

Editable quantity:

Choose if you want to provide your customers with the option to choose their own quantity.

Tax Type:

From this menu you have to declare if you sell digital or physical products. Taxation of digital products may be different compared to taxation of physical products.  By default, Nummuspay will tax based on your Project settings, but you are also able to have different tax from your project. In this case, uncheck the default option and set up the corresponding tax percentages.

Trial Period:

Choose if you want to provide your customers with the option to try your service for free or for a discount price for a limited time. There are 2 different trial period types available:

Free Trial:

Using free trial, you can set the number of days an account can be on trial mode. Once the trial days are over, Nummuspay automatically converts it to an active subscription and attempts to process the first payment. If you need to change or extend a customer's trial days, you can do that by editing the subscription.

Paid trial:

Using paid trial, you can set the number of days a subscription can be in a discount price for your customer. If you need to change or extend a customer's paid trial days, you can do that by editing the subscription.

Billable addons: 

Billable addons are useful only if you want to make your customers pay for exactly what they use, using a value-based pricing. You can create a usage-based Plan by clicking on billable addons article.

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