Billable addons

Charging a customer on how much they use the product or service is a new concept for many businesses. To achieve a usage-based subsription you have to set up billable addons. You can charge for usage by adding usage-based fees to product rate plans and then uploading usage records to Nummuspay using your webhook. To create a usage-based plan you'll need to define the following parameters:

NAME: This is the name will appear on your checkout page and invoices.

CODE: Create a product code for your add-on, seen in exports and used in the webhook.

MEASURE UNIT NAME: Measured units provide a description of the usage measured for a usage-based add-on and allow you to track and report on the same type of usage.

PRICING MODEL: Here you have to choose whether you want to define a price or percentage.   You are able to set up your price per unit or the corresponding percentage of amount, as well. You can charge for usage by adding usage-based fees to product rate plans and then uploading usage records to Nummuspay.

INCLUDED MEASURED UNITS: Here you can specify the specific units to measure usage. Addon will start charging your customer after this threshold.

Billing usage allows you to bill users according to their actual use of your resources. For example, you bill in November for usage consumed in October, or you bill in the fourth quarter for usage consumed in the third quarter. You can bill usage on a recurring, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis.

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